Carbon & ESG Strategies 2023 Speaker Presentations
DAY 1: Aug 30, 2023
Managing Methane for a Lower Carbon Future:
Leading methane reduction reduction efforts within Chevron -- and even dubbed the "methane hunter" internally -- Vanessa Ryan discusses the need to prevent methane emissions and develop solutions for Chevron and the global oil and gas industry. Chevron has made significant progress to date and is committed to doing more, but many industry-wide challenges and opportunities remain in the U.S. and abroad that will require new technologies and partnerships to address.
- Jordan Blum, Editorial Director, Hart Energy
- Vanessa Ryan, Manager - Methane Reduction, Chevron
Project Spotlight: Libra CO2 Storage Solutions
Carbon capture and storage developer Lapis Energy recently partnered with Denbury Inc. on a 14,000-acre CCS project in Louisiana. The effort could gain broader importance with Denbury being acquired by Exxon Mobil. A recent startup, Lapis also is developing another CCS project in El Dorado, Arkansas.
- Jordan Blum, Editorial Director, Hart Energy
- Reg Manhas, CEO, Lapis
What the World Will Look Like in 2030 and 2050
In the effort to set carbon reduction and other sustainability targets, we cannot lose sight of what we are trying to accomplish collectively: a more sustainable economy and a healthier world not only for ourselves but for future generations. What should businesses look like and operate in 2050? How do we accurately assess costs and risks associated with the net zero transition? How should we approach assumptions and milestones when building a normative scenario of the global energy sector? How will R&D and innovation drive us forward? To be ready for the 2050 world, what must we achieve and put in place by 2030? And what must we do now? How do past experiences of transitions, achieved or otherwise, inform us of the future of the industry?
- Darren Barbee, Senior Managing Editor - Energy Transition, Hart Energy
- Michael Lynch, President of Strategic Energy & Economic Research, Energy Policy Research Foundation (EPRNIC)
- Battulga Odgerel, Director - Energy Transition Research, Energy Policy Research Foundation (EPRNIC)
The ESG Roadmap
Identify targets to manage risks and seize opportunities around sustainability, while assessing financial impacts to help ensure long-term business viability.
- Joe Markman, Senior Managing Editor, Hart Energy
- Bethany Andell, CEO, Savage Brands
- Keila Aires Diamond, Managing Director and Head of ESG, Quantum Capital Group
- Carolina Ortega, Vice President - Sustainability, Milestone Environmental Services
- Kristin Tatum, VP of ESG and Financial Planning, Kinder Morgan
Carbon Management Roundtable
Operators and technology and data services providers speak on carbon management techniques. What are the most efficient and cost-effective ways to lower emissions?
- John Guoynes, Vice President, AXIP Energy Services
- Travis Ethredge, Director of Environment & Sustainability, Apache Corp.
- Cody Johnson, CEO, SCS Technologies
- Gregg Rotenberg, Chief Executive Officer, Kairos Aerospace
- Brandon Seale, Managing Director, The Coastal Carbon Project
- Katie Zimmerman, Decarbonization Director, Wood
Technology and Venture Capital
Creating Financial Value and Superior Outperformance amidst the Energy Transition.
- Patrick McGee, Senior Editor - Energy Finance, Hart Energy
- Alan Boswell, CEO & Managing Director, Freestone
- Rob Meister, Managing Director, Quantum Capital Group
The "S" and the "G"
What social and corporate governance issues are being faced by the energy sector? A panel of experts shares insight on challenges and strategies.
- Deon Daugherty, Editor-in-Chief, Hart Energy
- Irina V. Maistrenko, Senior Counsel - Capital Markets, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP
- Tony Sanchez, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, OneNexus
- Cindy Yeilding, Director- NE, Denbury Inc.
The Carbon Credit Lifecycle
From Idea to Monetization: End-to-end view of developing, verifying, minting, and selling carbon credits, featuring expert panelists who will examine key differences in carbon markets worldwide. Best practices for creating and monetizing high-quality credits. Translating climate goals into tangible projects. Ensuring credibility, and navigating registries, regulation and creating tokens on Hedera Hashgraph, bringing credits to market. Real-world examples of financing carbon initiatives. Ideal for public and private entities looking to tap into the growing voluntary carbon space.
- Nissa Darbonne, Executive Editor-at-Large, Hart Energy
- Pedro Blanco, Managing Director, Head of Business Development, Capturiant
- John McDougal, Vice President of Environmental Products, Anew
- Deanna Reitman, Commodities Attorney, DLAPiper
- James C. Row, CFA, Managing Partner, Entoro Capital LLC
DAY 2, Aug 31, 2023:
Net-Zero Goals
Everyone, including operators, midstream providers, and service suppliers are aiming for net-zero emissions. Are the net-zero goals realistic?
- Jordan Blum, Editorial Director, Hart Energy
- Jerry Ashcroft, CEO, Crescent MIdstream
- Megan Hays, Managing Director, Kimmeridge
- Joanne Howard, Senior VP of ESG and Corporate Communications, Crestwood Equity Partners LP
Taking Carbon Management to the Next Level
Massive amounts of data are being used to drive efficiency and lower GHG emissions. What roles are predictive analytics and artificial intelligence playing in carbon management?
- Nissa Darbonne, Executive Editor-at-Large, Hart Energy
- Kayla Ball, Chief Product Officer, Validere
- Elliott Chorn, EVP of Product, Amperon
- Dale Erickson, Intelligent Operations Technology Development Lead, Wood
- Siddharth Misra, Professor, Texas A&M University (TAMU)
IRA Preparations and More
What do forthcoming changes to the EPA's Greenhouse Gas Reporting program mean for how operators measure and
report emissions? What are the implications for commercializing emissions performance?
- Darren Barbee, Senior Managing Editor, Hart Energy
- Barbara de Marigny, Partner, Baker Botts L.L.P.
- James C. Row, Managing Partner, Entoro Capital LLC
- Dr. Erin Tullos, Chief Scientist & Managing Member, Astra Energy Group
Sharing CCS Lessons
As the energy sector gears up for new CCS projects, some companies—both within and outside energy—have already
started the journey. Hear their stories.
- Chris Mathews, Senior Editor - Shale/A&D, Hart Energy
- Michael Dunkel, Energy, Water & Carbon Advisor, Tetra Tech
- Basak Kurtoglu, Managing Director and Head of Technical, Quantum Capital Group
Capturing Community Engagement
Carbon capture project developers discuss the ideas around the right levels of social engagement and
community engagement. How do we gain the approvals of the communities we are impacting?
- Deon Daugherty, Editor-in-Chief, Hart Energy
- Joe Brettell, Partner, Strategic Engagement, Prosody Group LLC
- Elizabeth Burns-Thompson, Vice President Government & Public Affairs, Navigator CO2
Challenges in the Supply Chain
Hear how operators, midstream companies and more are reacting to the demands of investors as they address and adapt to the challenges and opportunities within the global supply chains.
- Joe Markman, Senior Managing Editor, Hart Energy
- Andrea Korney, Vice President Sustainability, J.S. Held LLC
- Brett Mendenhall, CEO & President, P2 Energy Services
Preparing for Risks and Opportunities in the Low-Carbon Energy Transition
Given uncertainties around carbon price, future activist actions and disruptive technologies, navigating the low-carbon energy transition calls for planning and guidance. Experts share insight on risks and opportunities ahead. Carbon Price, CapEx, and OpEx, Activism, and Early Adoption vs. Fast Followership - reaching ambitious carbon reduction targets such as netzero will require creative new approaches.
- Nissa Darbonne, Executive Editor-at-Large, Hart Energy
- Kyle "Breeze" Brzymialkiewicz, Vice President of Gulf Coast Emissions, Anew
- Roger Fox, Head of Responsible Investment, Tailwater Capital, and CEO, Tailwater Innovation Partners
- Jason A. Hill, Counsel, Hunton Andrews Kurth
- Jennifer Stewart, Director of Climate & ESG Policy, API
Emissions Management & Technology Challenges
Detection, Lost Revenue from Leaks, Implications for the IRA Methane Fees in 2024, and Preparing for the Future.
- Shannon Hugetz, Senior Advisor - Special Projects, Detechtion
- Shankar Annamalai, Senior Vice President - Permian Geo Market & Emissions Technology, ChampionX
- Eyal Aronoff, CEO, Pioneer Energy
- Tim Novick, CEO, Ecotec
- Joe Quoyeser, Chief Commercial Officer, LongPath Technologies Inc.